Community Reintegration Services After Detention [Servicii de reintegrare comunitara post – detentie]
Lecturer Ph.D. Candidate Catalin POPESCU
Deprivation of liberty has a strong impact on individual behavior by changing his structure, changing his fundamental way of being and thinking. Long sentences, in which the individual has little contact with the outside prison, with socio-economic change alerts in society, make its return to the community to be a complicated, full of obstacles, failure, endangering social reintegration. Given these considerations, modern societies increasingly put more emphasis on the initiation and development of psychosocial services to persons recently released from penitentiary institutions, services designed to facilitate the process of recovery and social reintegration of former prisoner. Given the vast experience of Western countries in this field, we consider it appropriate in the current Romanian society, to present some good models of institutions and private providers who work in the field of post-prison reintegration.
Keywords: people deprived of freedom, specialized post-detention services, suppliers and psychosocial services, social reintegration, prison and community.