Perception of Local Public Authorities from Rural Areas on the Modernization of the Social Services in the European Context [Perceptia Autoritatilor Publice Locale din mediul rural cu privire la modernizarea serviciilor sociale in contextul European]

Perception of Local Public Authorities from Rural Areas on the Modernization of the Social Services in the European Context [Perceptia Autoritatilor Publice Locale din mediul rural cu privire la modernizarea serviciilor sociale in contextul European] Lecturer Ph.D. Antonio SANDU Research assistant Elena UNGURU Abstract Romanian rural is currently subject to two separate integrative process that is partially overlapping Europeanization process generated by the integration of Romania into ...

The System of Local Management of Schools in the UK – Achieving an Optimal Balance of Centralization and Decentralization in Education

The System of Local Management of Schools in the UK - Achieving an Optimal Balance of Centralization and Decentralization in Education Ph.D. Arthur DAVIES Abstract This article draws from UK experience where there have been changes in the balance of centralization and decentralization in efforts to enhance the quality of education. (more…)

Ethnicity and Interethnicity, Methods of Approaching [Etnicitate si interetnicitate, modalitati de abordare]

Ethnicity and Interethnicity, Methods of Approaching [Etnicitate si interetnicitate, modalitati de abordare] Ph.D. Mictat GARLAN Abstract Ethnicity and interethnicity in ethnopsychology, similarities, differences, complementarities, criteria and approaches, the personalistic perspective, research tools, field investigation: (more…)

Why do ECE Teachers Need To Be Mentored by ECE Administrators?

Why do ECE Teachers Need To Be Mentored by ECE Administrators? Ph.D. Peter KIRIAKIDIS Abstract Why do ECE teachers need to be mentored by ECE administrators? At the data site, the research problem was that students are not meeting the required standards of proficiency in state testing and schools are failing to make adequate yearly progress (AYP) as mandated by the No Child Left Behind of 2001. In an effort to comply with the NCLB Act (2001) mandates, the local school district supported...

Emotions Properties and Their Reflection Across Personality [Insusirile Emotiilor si Reflectarea lor in Ansamblul Personalitatii]

Emotions Properties and Their Reflection Across Personality [Insusirile Emotiilor si Reflectarea lor in Ansamblul Personalitatii] Researcher Ph.D. Marinela RUSU Abstract We show in this paper that emotions not only represent short-term and intense experiences that influence behavior. Emotions, in their simplicity, reverberate throughout our personality. The simplicity of emotions does not conflict with their subtlety. They tend to captivate our minds and we escape into their world, includ...

Virtual Communities – A Study of a Protean Identity [Comunitatile virtuale – studiu asupra unei identitati fluctuante]

Virtual Communities – A Study of a Protean Identity [Comunitatile virtuale – studiu asupra unei identitati fluctuante] Post-doctoral Researcher Camelia GRADINARU Abstract The many sides and possibilities brought about by the New Media led to a new perspective on society, culture, communication and interpersonal relationships. (more…)

Ludism – A Form of Seriousness [Ludismul – Forma de seriozitate]

Ludism – A Form of Seriousness [Ludismul – Forma de seriozitate] College Professor of History Ion VASIOIU College Professor of French Rodica CALOTA Abstract Playing is meant to take us away from routine, even when it involves a Socratic violence, a cold minded violence, which never comes free, enframing itself perfectly into an educational scenario or working as a maieutic. Only after undergoing such an initiatory ceremony, is the judge admitted into the aesthetic space with partnership ...

Characteristics of Regional Television [Caracteristici ale Televiziunii Regionale]

Characteristics of Regional Television [Caracteristici ale Televiziunii Regionale] Ph.D. Candidate Margareta ANDREESCU Abstract Who should know better than anyone else how people spend their Christmas in Bucovina? Who should show and tell us about a go on a telegondola in Piatra Neamt? What about the performances of the pupils in Craiova or the budget of the Politehnica football team in Timisoara? The only persons that ought to know all these things and events should be the reporters of t...

The Role of the Interdisciplinary Team in Inclusive Education [Rolul echipei interdisciplinare in educatia incluziva]

The Role of the Interdisciplinary Team in Inclusive Education [Rolul echipei interdisciplinare in educatia incluziva] Ph.D. Student Mihaela CIOBANU GRASU Abstract Inclusive education requires recognizing that all children have the right to learn, including those with disabilities, involves acceptance and equal valuation of all. (more…)

Ways and Strategies to Prevent Delinquent Phenomena in Contemporary Romanian Society [Modalitati si Strategii de Preventie a Fenomenelor Deviant Infractionale in Societatea Romaneasca Contemporana]

Ways and Strategies to Prevent Delinquent Phenomena in Contemporary Romanian Society [Modalitati si Strategii de Preventie a Fenomenelor Deviant Infractionale in Societatea Romaneasca Contemporana] Ph.D. Candidate Razvan DIACONU POPOVICI Abstract This project called “Ways and Strategies to Prevent Delinquent Phenomena in Contemporary Romanian Society”. I would propose speaking about our national reality of criminality, but practically important are the building a strategy for purpose prev...