LUMEN Publishing House requires that sources of financial support for the work reported within the manuscript are fully acknowledged and any potential conflicts of interest noted.

LUMEN Publishing House requires a statement about authors’ conflicts of interest for all manuscripts submitted to the journal. Authors are kindly asked to disclose any possible conflict of interest at the end of the manuscript. Any reported conflicts of interest will be published in a highlighted zone as part of the article. If no conflicts of interest are reported, then there will be included the statement, “No conflicts of interest have been declared”.
Possible conflicts of interest include financial interests relating to issues discussed in the manuscript, (for example, patent ownership, stock ownership, consultancies, speakers’ fees).


Manuscript submission by author affiliated to same institution as one of the editors

A manuscript submitted by an author who is affiliated to the same institution as one of the editors will be taken in charge by one of the other editors who is not at that institution. The other editor will select reviewers and make all decisions on the manuscript.

Manuscript submission by family member of editor or by author whose relationship with editor might create the perception of bias

This type of situation will be also handled by another editor. The other editor will select reviewers and make all the decisions on the manuscript. If in doubt, the editors will consult with one another, or will make an appeal to a third party, as an advocate.


Manuscript submission by an Editor

A manuscript submitted by an editor will be processed by one of the other editors who is not affiliated to the same institution as the submitting editor. The other editor will select reviewers and make all the decisions on the manuscript. The peer review process will be handled in such a way that the author does not have access to information or correspondence relating to the submission that is not meant for authors.


Potential conflict of interest for reviewers

Prior to a manuscript being assigned to a reviewer, the reviewer will receive an invitation letter which includes the following paragraph: “If you know or think you know the identity of the author, and if you feel there is any potential conflict of interest in your reviewing this manuscript because of your relationship with the author (e.g. in terms of close friendship or conflict/rivalry) or for any other reason, please DECLARE IT. By accepting this invitation, it is assumed there is no potential conflict of interest.”


Authors are required to specify the sources of funding for their research when submitting a manuscript. These include the individuals and organisations that supplied resources for interventions, as well as those that funded researcher time and other research costs. All sources of funding should be named and their location (town, state/county, country) included. The information should be provided on the title page of the manuscript and will be disclosed in the published article.