Self Archiving Open Access Policies (FAQ)

  • Do you allow your authors to archive their submitted article in an open access repository? That is, do you consider publishing material where a pre-print or working paper has been previously mounted online?

Our journal allows authors to self-archive their articles in an open access repository. We do consider publishing material where a pre-print or working paper has been previously mounted online. We do not consider this an exception to our policy regarding the originality of the paper (not to be published elsewhere), since the open access repository doesn’t have a publisher character, but an archiving system for the benefit of the public.

  • Do you allow your authors to archive their accepted article in an open access repository? That is, with changes and modifications due to peer-review comments integrated into the text?

Our policy regarding the accepted articles requires authors not to mention, in the archived articles in an open access repository, their acceptance for publication in our journals until the article is final and no modifications can be made. Authors are not allowed to submit the paper to another publisher while is still being evaluated for our journals or is in the process of revision after the peer review decision.

  • Do you allow your authors to archive the final published article, often a pdf file, in an open access repository?

We do allow our authors to archive the final published article, often a pdf file, in an open access repository, after authors inform the editorial office.

  • Do you offer a Creative Commons License for archived material? If so, which license? Would this apply to every version?

Our journals have a non-commercial attribution and no-derivatives Creative Commons License.

  • Do you have any other requirements for archiving in an open access repository? For example, a bibliographic citation or reference of copyright ownership?

The final version of the article contains information about copyright and how to cite the article. Only this final version of the article is uploaded online, on the journal’s official website, and only this version should be used for self-archiving and should replace the previous versions uploaded by authors in the open access repository.

  • What is the name of your publishing organisation?

The publisher of our journals is Editura LUMEN (LUMEN Publishing House)

  • If the author is subject to a pre-existing mandate from their institution, funder or government to make their article openly accessible, do you grant the author an automatic exemption from any restrictions in your own policies which would otherwise prohibit their publication with you?

The only condition for an accepted paper to be in open access is the author/s (or its funding body) to pay the open access fee. There are no other requests for the author’s article to be open access.

  • Does a single policy apply to authors of all of your journal titles? If not, could you tell us what variations apply?

Our policy applies to all our authors of all of our journal titles.