Table of Contents | Volume III, Issue 1, 2015 (more…)
Approaches in the Political Science Today
Approaches in the Political Science Today | Ciprian IFTIMOAEI (more…)
The Republic of Moldova and Ukraine in the Context of Russian Federation’s Sphere of Influence
The Republic of Moldova and Ukraine in the Context of Russian Federation’s Sphere of Influence | Svetlana CEBOTARI & Carolina BUDURINA-GOREACII (more…)
EEAS at the Beginning of XXIst Century: Some Institutional Innovations in EU Diplomacy
EEAS at the Beginning of XXIst Century: Some Institutional Innovations in EU Diplomacy | Madalina Virginia ANTONESCU
Gender Violence within the Inter-American System of Human Rights Protection. The Resurgence of Gender Cultural Construct
Gender Violence within the Inter-American System of Human Rights Protection. The Resurgence of Gender Cultural Construct | Maria Beatrice BERNA (more…)
The Role of Romanian – France Relations in France’s Eastern Policy (16th century). [Rolul relatiilor romano-franceze in politica orientala a Frantei (sec. al XVI-lea)]
The Role of Romanian - France Relations in France's Eastern Policy (16th century). [Rolul relatiilor romano-franceze în politica orientală a Frantei (sec. al XVI-lea)] | Daniela HADIRCA-NASTAS (more…)
Managing “Mega- Daguos” in the Global Society of XXIst Century
Managing “Mega- Daguos” in the Global Society of XXIst Century | Madalina Virginia ANTONESCU (more…)
The Elitism. Theoretical and Ideological Contribution to the Study of Political Elites
The Elitism. Theoretical and Ideological Contribution to the Study of Political Elites | Anton CARPINSCHI (more…)